Check From The Universe

Power of Visioning
Order Your "Check"
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The Universe has written YOU a "Check" . . .

On the day you were born, the Universe placed within you all that you would need to prosper - and to grow.

The Universe, in effect, wrote you a "check."

 Now it is up to you to VISION and to ACT. Hold this prosperity visioning tool, as you hold to your vision - and see the Universe pay your "check" in full.



Many know the story of actor Jim Carrey’s

visioning tool experience. 

Raised in poverty, early in his career,

Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million  . . .


"I wrote that check and I stuck it in my pocket

and it stayed there for years. It was a check made out to 'Jim Carrey for acting services rendered,'

for $10 million," he says.  Now, he commands 

double that per film.                                                     


The Seattle Times, Dec. 16, 2004

(This Visioning Tool has not been endorsed by Mr. Carrey.)

Order Your Personalized "Check" Here

Capture the power of visualization with your personalized

"Check From The Universe."


Your check is Spiritual tender - not legal tender.  It is a negotiable instrument only in symbolizing your value in the Universe.

That value is for you to realize – and then retrieve from the Universe itself.

"Check From The Universe" TM 
 Copyright Peace of J, LLC 2005